用例子写一个计算复利的 Python 程序。在我们开始 Python 复利程序之前,让我向您展示复利背后的公式:
未来 CI =本金金额* ( 1 + ROI ) 年数 )
这个 python 程序允许用户输入本金金额、利率和时间段(年数)。使用这些值, Python 使用上面指定的公式计算复利。
import math
princ_amount = float(input(" Please Enter the Principal Amount : "))
rate_of_int = float(input(" Please Enter the Rate Of Interest : "))
time_period = float(input(" Please Enter Time period in Years : "))
ci_future = princ_amount * (math.pow((1 + rate_of_int / 100), time_period))
compound_int = ci_future - princ_amount
print("Future Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(princ_amount, ci_future))
print("Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(princ_amount, compound_int))